Space Prison is the darkest hole in the universe, the experimental entity gathering both guilty and innocent aliens under the jurisdiction of the artificial system. To stay alive you’ll need to find allies among criminals. Fight for respect in brutal turn-based brawls. And domesticate this hole.
While struggling to survive, find out the dark secrets this place hides and there is a chance you’ll be able to find your way out of here, one way or another….
Earn the trust and respect of the criminals to make them your allies. Build useful connections by helping prisoners with various jobs and learn personal stories hidden underneath those crooked faces. Just don’t step on the wrong alien’s toes. It may be the last thing you ever do.
Fight other convicts, alien creatures and the prison system in fast-paced, tactical turn-based brawls. Use your brain and allies, and move those feet quickly if you don’t want your motionless body to float through space.
Get cozy in your own prison cell, collect junky scraps and improve your super-fancy furnishings: rocky crafting bench, hidden storage behind posters or even a house for your pet rats. There’s no better place than home, right?
Look for scraps, destroy prison property, hunt alien vermin - all to get resources for crafting illegal tools and weapons that you or your inmates need. Be careful not to get caught and you’ll do just fine, fish.
Join one of the prison gangs, like Gravity Fist or Hypernova, with different alien creatures, agendas and fighting styles. Use their backs to climb to the top of a social ladder and become powerful enough to face the prison system itself.
There is no better friend than a rat. Gather snacks for these filthy creatures and soon enough you’ll have an army of long-toothed vermins ready to die for you. Just look into their cute red eyes!